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Elevate Picks

A case study on virality within the sports betting industry.

Client Needs

Already a rising force within the growing sports betting industry with over 2,000 members (see below), Elevate Picks came to Ascension looking to accelerate their growth and engagement. With consistency and efficiency, the Ascension Team was confident we could deliver on the growth needs of Elevate Picks. For this project, we were going to work with the owner Mat to apply edits to his content and voiceovers which he would deliver to us. With the expertise of the team in this space the goal was set at:

100,000+ views, 1,000+ new followers, & 2,000+ comments under 30 days


Elevate Picks had the primary goal of funneling members into their discord community through their social media platforms, mainly Instagram. This meant consistent, high quality posting centered around engagement. To best fit the needs of Elevate Picks we laid out expectations early in our strategy call and developed a plan of attack: display free pick success and deliver value by offering another free pick in the video with the potential of more by engaging further. The formula was essentially simple, incentivize engagement by offering free value in return. Here were key aspects that allowed for the success of this project:

  1. Scheduling: The most crucial part of this project was the consistency to a strict schedule. We worked out a consistent time with the owner Mat where we would receive the picks in our client discord every day and in return, we guaranteed a time the videos would be ready by. Throughout the entire challenge, we did not miss a single video or day.

  2. Comment Engagement: The success of the project also hinged on how quickly we were able to keep the viewers that were watching. As a result, viewers were offered all of the day's free picks if they commented the word "NBA" on the post. From there, the messaging involved a funnel towards the free discord community where they could receive more value and eventually sign up for a paid subscription.

  3. Video Editing: Another crucial component was ensuring clips were edited quickly and above industry standard. We were able to incorporate the voiceovers and overlay player clips, free picks from the discord, and additional visual and audio effects to augment the video viewing experience.


Total Video Views Generated: 115,000+ Total Followers Generated: 1,252

Total Comments Generated: 2,022

Elevate experienced tremendous success with their time at Ascension. In just under 30 days, they were able to generate over 100,000 video views for their Instagram page. After experiencing unpleasant experiences elsewhere, they were extremely happy with our consistency and quality of editing. The owner, Mat, was extremely punctual with his communication and as a result, we were able to consistently produce results. The users who were leaving comments were forwarded a DM funneling to the discord community which had over a 90% convert rate from the DM. To this day, Elevate Picks continues to grow on the Whop charts. Take a look at the how the videos were doing:

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